Sunday, 29 June 2014

My First Screencap Edit!

I've just made my first edit with the purpose of improving and discovering my Photoshop skills. I don't think it turned out too bad, do you?

New Bella/Edward Banner Available for Adoption!

Inspired by an B/E eating disorder fan fiction I've recently finished reading.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Throwback: Banners from my Ms. Swan's Bookstore days!

I still feel truly blessed to have been part of the Ms. Swan's Bookstore family! The girls are so friendly and helpful. I am not a natural born writer by any means, so I learnt a lot while working alongside them, especially Mandy, she's just brilliant!

Check out Ms. Swan's Bookstore for amazing Twilight Fan Fiction Reviews!
Here are a few of the banners I made for my reviews:



Truth's Future by RobstenLover93 Banner

A Banner I made for a new Twilight fanfic 'Truth's Future' by RobstenLover93
Check out her other stories! [link]

Twilight Stars: FACEBOOK COVERS!

Bella/Carlisle Banner Available for Adoption!

Emmett/Rosalie Banner Available for Adoption!

New Bella/Edward Banners Available for Adoption!